Golf Course Fairway Drainage

transform the playability of your course with industry-leading drainage solutions

Waterlogging problems on golf course fairways can result from a variety of causes. Widespread waterlogging is generally associated with the presence of impermeable clay soil, but other causes can include blockages of existing drainage pipes caused by tree roots, which is a fairly common occurrence on established golf courses. Accurate identification of the causes of drainage problems is essential: solutions will often involve the installation of new underground drainage pipework.

Different lateral drain specifications are available, with varying degrees of efficacy and associated cost.

The Unique Turfdry Drainage System using Hydraway Sportsdrain


In some instances, adequate piped fairway drainage may already exist and the waterlogging problems may be due to compaction within the topsoil within the topsoil layer, preventing the water from reaching the drainage system. In such instances, a variety of options could be considered, including:

  • Decompaction Treatments
    • Verti-Draining
    • Earthquaking
    • Air Injection
  • The Installation of a secondary drainage system
    • Gravel/Sand Slits
    • Gravel-Banding
    • Sand-Banding