Stafford Grammar School


With only limited existing playing fields close to the noisy M6 motorway, Stafford Grammar School managed to acquire two pasture fields adjacent to its boundary that were ideally located but not suitable for sports use due to very undulating terrain.

Having considered bids from various specialist companies to redevelop the land for sports use the school chose to appoint Turfdry who had undertaken a detailed topographical survey and used advanced land re-modelling software to create various options for consideration by the school. The chosen option incorporated three new football pitches, new hockey and rugby pitches, extensive training grids, and a new 16-wicket cricket square, designed to host ladies county cricket matches.

The extensive earthworks involved stripping around 40,000m2 of topsoil that was stockpiled on site and around 20,000m3 of subsoil ‘cut and fill’ was carried out to create the new land profile prior to the replacement of the topsoil. The use of land re-modelling software enabled a balanced cut and fill to be achieved – meaning that no soil needed to be brought on or off site.

The playing fields were situated on clay soil that were prone to waterlogging so it was important to incorporate a good drainage scheme within the overall design, whilst working within a strict budgetary framework. On the larger of the two fields 80mm plastic land drainage pipes were installed at 5 metre centres to provide a good basic drainage system. The smaller field accommodated a single professional-sized football pitch that would be more heavily used, so a higher specification drainage system was required. On this pitch the unique Turfdry Drainage System was installed with Hydraway Sportsdrain at 3 metre centres.

Following the drainage installation final cultivation works were undertaken and the new sward was established in autumn 2008.

The new playing fields were delivered on time and on budget. Everyone involved on behalf of Stafford Grammar School expressed their satisfaction with Turfdry’s delivery of the project and the quality of workmanship.


Project Summary

Services Provided by Turfdry

  • Pitch Survey
  • Pitch Design & Construction
  • Drainage Design & Installation
  • Cultivation & Seeding
  • Pitch Maintenance


Stafford Grammar School



Stafford Grammar School
Burton Manor Road
ST18 9AT