A sports turf Construction & drainage specialist with a proven 25 year track record for delivering industry-leading services nationwide
Turfdry was established in 1995 by its current Managing Director, Melvyn Taylor, who identified a clear market opportunity for a true specialist in sports turf drainage at a time when the industry was dominated by agricultural land drainage contractors.
The company's founding philosophy was that the requirements for quality sports turf differed fundamentally from agriculture and that the effective drainage of sports turf required specialist consideration. As a keen sports enthusiast (qualified F.A. Coach, club golfer, cricketer, tennis player, and fitness enthusiast) Melvyn's extensive 'end-user' understanding of sports turf has helped to forge an affinity with a diverse range of clients in the public and private sectors.
Turfdry has always been a leading innovator within the sports turf industry. In developing the Turfdry Drainage System with the US manufacturer of Hydraway Sportsdrain, Turfdry has become the UK's leading exponent of geotextile drainage systems for sports turf. Having overcome scepticism voiced by many when the system was first introduced, the Turfdry Drainage System is now proven as an exceptionally effective and much less disruptive alternative to conventional plastic pipe drainage systems.
Having stayed within the confines of sports turf drainage for a decade, Turfdry expanded into sports turf construction, rapidly establishing an excellent reputation, with one of the firm's playing field 'Design & Construction' projects short-listed for Turf Professional Magazine's 'Turf Project of the year 2010'. Turfdry was runner-up for the most recently held (2017) ‘Contractor of the Year award for the Institute of Groundsmanship.
Melvyn Taylor, M.D.